Signs and Signals
Signs and Signals
When driving a train you need to be aware of the various signs and signals displayed for the driver
The main signs you will encounter in the demo layout are speed restriction signs:
These shows the maximum permitted speed and you should reduce the train speed to the indicated speed or less. The Head Up Display also shows advanced warning of an approaching speed restriction and the Driver Alert will also warn you if you are going to fast.
When moving from a low speed restriction area to one with a higher speed limit, you should not accelerate until the whole of the train has passed the sign indicating the higher speed limit.
There are two main sorts of signal in the demo layout: colour light signals and sempahore signals.
Colour Light Signals
Colour light signals display a colour light to indicate line clear or stop:
A red signal indicates STOP. You must not pass this signal without special permission |
A green signal indicates LINE CLEAR - you may proceed |
A (single) yellow indication means CAUTION - the next signal is at red (STOP). You should reduce speed and be prepared to stop at the next signal. The Head Up Display (HUD) will tell you how far it is to the next signal |
A double yellow indication is the advanced CAUTION signal - the next signal is yellow and signal after that is at red (STOP). You should reduce speed and be prepared to stop at the next signal but one. |
Colour light junction signals
Some signals have additional junction indicators (white lights). When the lights are illuminated it indicates that the train is routed on a diverging route (left or right according to the indicator direction). Note that a speed limit may apply to the diverging route.

Semaphore Signals
Semaphore signals use a mechanical arm to display an indication - the arm is either horizontal to indicate stop or caution, or at angle (raised up or lowered down, depending on type) to indicate clear. There are two types of semaphore signals: Stop signals and Distant signals:
Stop Signal |
A stop signal at horizontal means STOP. You must not pass this signal without permission |
A stop signal at 45 degrees means CLEAR - you may proceed |
Distant Signal |
A distant signal at horizontal means CAUTION - one or more stop signals ahead are at horizontal, meaning STOP. You should proceed at caution and be prepated to stop. |
A distant signal at 45 degress means CLEAR - all the stop signals related to this distant signal are clear. You may proceed at normal speed. |
Semaphore Junction signals
Semaphore signals use multiple arms for junctions. The left hand arm is cleared for the left-hand route, the right hand arm for the right hand route.

Shunt signals
Shunt signals are used for low-speed moves such as shunting, they show STOP or PROCEED indications:
Stop. You must not pass this signal |
Proceed. You may pass this signal, but be prepared to stop if shunting towards another train or obstruction |
Shunt signals are sometimes combined with another signal, for example:
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